Magique Smile -Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Tooth Whitening Serum

Magique Smile -Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Tooth Whitening Serum

Regular price €29,90
A serum that changes from conventional products!

Colour correction begins where purple and yellow clash. Applying our Magic Smile Violet Serum to your teeth will neutralise the yellow tones and cancel them out, revealing a noticeably brighter shade of white. Pretty cool, right?

The perfect shade for a brilliant smile!

The combination of two water-soluble dyes in our serum can cancel out any shade of yellow for the most radiant smile, leaving no residue and in an instant.

No more complicated to use than toothpaste!

Our serum is used like toothpaste, apply it to your toothbrush and brush them!

Correcting the colour of your teeth after using our teeth whitening serum is child's play.

Quick and concrete results!

Our customers and many dentists recommend our Smile Magic Serum for its effectiveness, fast white teeth and without harmful products for your health.